Landing Page_Donor Retention Guide

Unlock the Secrets of Nonprofit Success: 

A Strategic Guide to Elevate Your Donor Retention Game

A Series: Vol. 2 

Continuing the Secrets of Nonprofit Success series, this is Vol. 2, dedicated to the crucial art of donor retention. “Unlock the Secrets of Nonprofit Success: A Strategic Guide to Elevate Your Donor Retention Game” is meticulously designed to equip you with the tools for sustained growth. 
Donor retention involves cultivating meaningful connections with existing supporters, fortifying your donor base, and expanding your influence within the community.

Increasing retention rates by just 10% can result in a substantial 200% surge in the lifetime value of donors according to the Harvard Business Review. The national average rate for donor retention is 43% and steadily declining year-after-year. How can we counter the national decline in donor retention? The solution unfolds within the pages of this indispensable guide. 

Are you prepared for the journey ahead? 


What's Included:

  • Strategies that not only arrest the decline, but also propel your organization towards unprecedented heights in donor retention

  • Best practices for digital fundraising, donor stewardship, event management, and reporting to increase donor retention

  • Creative ideas on how to segment you donor relationship management database to ensure effective communication

  • Tools and how to segment your database for targeted donor acquisition, retention, and engagement
  • Ideas for donor-centric events to keep your constiuents engaged and giving

  • Strategies for building a powerful donor-centric website that communicates your mission with impact